We place a high value on stories at Grace. We believe it is the best way to measure true life change within the church body and within our community.
Will you share your story with us? If so, please fill out the form below. There may be a time that we might want to share your story with others. Please make sure to indicate whether you would allow us to do so. We will also contact you prior to sharing your story.
"Grace is everything to me.
I have matured spiritually,
become aware of the importance of family,
and am now the spiritual leader in my home."
- Kevin
"From the first time my wife and I walked through the doors of Grace
it has been an incredible journey of discovery and growth.
The willingness to just "be there" for others
was something that I had not experienced before."
- Darren
"Grace has changed my life and my
family’s life with love, support, and guidance!"
- Marcy
"This is a place we all can come and worship, feel comfortable,
- John
and learn about the mercy and Grace of God!"