Baby Dedication Class and Celebration Ceremony
**3/17/2020 Update: This event has been POSTPONED. Due to the latest recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and federal, state, and local government and health authorities, Grace is suspending all in-person ministry activities through March 31st.**
Our Baby Dedication Class and Ceremony are for families who want to dedicate their children under 2 years of age. This informative class will be held Sunday, March 15th at 1:15 pm in the Elementary Large Group Area. Lunch and childcare will be provided!
Attending this class is mandatory for anyone planning to participate in the Baby Dedication Ceremony
The Celebration Ceremony will be held on Saturday, March 28th at 11 am. Family and friends are welcome to come for the Baby Dedication Celebration.
Both parents are invited to attend the Baby Dedication Class on March 15th. Please also bring 5-10 photos of you and your family on a flash drive to the Baby Dedication Class or email them to Amy at