
It's our desire and prayer that every woman at Grace gets plugged in and connected to our amazing community of ladies! From weekly impact groups and fun gatherings, to special events like our annual retreat, everything we do is crafted around building community and leading women to a stronger relationship with God and with each other.


Pool Party

Women of Joy

If you have any questions about the Grace Women's Ministry, please reach out to our Women's Events Coordinator, Chrisandra Brown at:

Your Heart

In love, Jesus has to thwart our self-redemptive plans—our controlling and our hiding, all the ways we are seeking to fill the ache within us apart from him. Otherwise, we would never fully turn to him for our rescue. Oh, we might turn to him for our salvation, for a ticket to heaven when we die. We might turn to him even in the form of Christian service, regular church attendance, a moral life. But inside, our hearts remain broken and captive and far from the One who can help us.

Your Freedom

To enter the journey toward the healing of your feminine heart, all it requires is a simple turning of the heart. We let desire speak to us again; we let our hearts have a voice, and what the voice usually says is, This isn’t working. My life is a disaster. Jesus—I’m sorry. Forgive me. Please come for me. We begin to cooperate with God in restoration. We seek out those things we need to do in order to receive it. There is a process, and the results are breathtaking.

This is where true freedom is found. Apart from that, Christianity is just…religion.

"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery."
~Galatians 5:1

Upcoming Women's Events

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